Today, February 5, 2025, the Tax Assessor's Office will be closing at 3:30pm, Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Request for Bids, Request for Proposals, and Requests for Quotes:

*this is not a complete list. Please contact the purchasing department or department for current bids.

Purchasing Department Webpage

Out to Bid, Qualifications or Proposal:

 Future Bids:

Cherniske Road Bridge 95009

Tamarack Road Bridge 95014

Chapel Hill Wingwall Reconstruction

Rolling Glen End Wall Reconstruction

Peagler Hill Small Drainage Project


To be considered a responsive bidder, you must purchase a set of plans at Purchasing. Additionally addendum's may be issued before the bid opening, so please be aware before submitting your bid. 

For additional information, please reference our Town Regulations and Ordinances Chapter 2 Section 92. Town Charter and Ordinances

Proposals Received or Bids Open(approx. list some may be missing):




Plan of Conservation and Development 2010

Transportation Management Plan 2014

Concrete Products - awarded

Drainage Pipe - awarded

Pavement Marking -  awarded

Storm Drainage Various Locations -awarded

Tree Removal - awarded

Vegetation Management - awarded

Crack Seal Bid - awarded

Chip Seal - awarded 8/20 

Demolition and Phase III Remediation Project - Century Enterprise Center 

Traffic Control - CT Traffic Control LLC.


Bituminous Concrete Materials - O&G

Earth Products - Various

Truck and Lay 

Concrete Abutment Repairs and Stream Channel Rehabilitation - Northern Landscaping

Tree Removal Services - Gentile Tree

Vegetation Management - Northern Landscaping and Advanced Construction 

Winter Products - Treated Salt, Straight Salt and Winter Sand - awarded

Road Milling and Paving Bid - various items awarded separately 

Drainage and Structure Repair - awarded to M&O Construction Company, Inc. 


Earth Products Bid - bid award estimate 6/5 

Precast Concrete Products/Catch Basins - bid award 10/31 per schedule

Treated Salt - bid award 10/17

De-icing Salt - bid award 10/17

Vegetation Management - Bid Award 10/3

Gravel Crushing - awarded to Villager Construction, Inc.

Marking Bid - awarded to Safety Markings Inc.

Bituminous Concrete Bid - awarded to O&G Industries.

Truck and Lay - Bid Opening 8/16 - awarded to Cocchiola Paving.

Mill Street Bridge RFP - Dewberry was selected by the committee.

Bid documents and plans are available HERE

Questions about bid results should be directed to Tanya Pond, Purchasing Specialist (860) 457-4189 or email:

Bid/specification questions must be submitted in writing or via email. Verbal questions will not be accepted. Please see bid specifications for directions relating to your bid.

Please contact Jack Healy, Public Works Director/Town Engineer for further inquiries:

Phone: 860-355-6040
Fax: 860-355-6055

Located at 6 Young's Field Road

Engineering Department Webpage

New Milford Department of Public Works Webpage

Mailing Address 10 Main Street

Additional Links

Contact Information

10 Main Street
New Milford Ct, 06776

Phone: 860-355-6040
Fax: 860-355-6055

Office hours: at 6 Young's Field Road: M-F 8am -4:30pm

Director: Jack Healy

Small drainage projects 2016.
Small drainage projects 2016.