All Town Offices will be closed on Monday February 17, 2025 in observance of President's Day.

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General FAQs


Q: What buildings must be inspected by the Fire Marshal?
All buildings within the Town of New Milford, with the exception of single and two-family homes, are required to be inspected by the Fire Marshal or their designee as described in the Connecticut General Statutes. The Fire Marshal's Office also conducts inspections of new commercial construction to ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Code. For inspection tips click here.

Q: How do I arrange for an inspection by the Fire Marshal's Office?
Requesting an inspection by the Fire Marshal's Office is simple. You may contact the Fire Marshal's Office at (860) 355-6099 to arrange for an inspection or email

Q: Is there an inspection fee?
There may be a fee for an inspection. You may view our fee schedule by clicking here.

Q: When and why is fire watch required?
Fire watch is required at events/gatherings of over 250 people and is provided by the fire department or fire marshals unless otherwise agreed upon by the Fire Marshal. All fees are set by the fire departments, click here for additional information. Please click the link for and complete the Special Event Notification form and submit it to the Fire Marshal's Office for our review so that we may better assist you in the safety and planning of your event. Fire watch is also required if a required alarm or sprinkler system is off-line more than 4 hours either for scheduled maintenance or due to an emergency failure.

Q: I have a commercial project in excess of 5,000 sq ft. Do the plans need submission to an outside plan review consultant?
The Fire Marshal's Office has, at its discretion, the option to require applicants to submit their plans to a third party for review. Any costs associated with this review are borne by the applicant.

Q: Why does the Fire Marshal conduct fire investigations?
To determine if a fire was accidental in nature, or incendiary (intentionally set). Determining if a fire was accidental is important to identify if a piece of equipment or appliance is defective. Should a fire be determined to be intentionally set, the fire investigation will be used in aiding the Police Department investigation.

Q: How do I make a complaint?
All complaints are taken seriously and investigated. To alert us to a potential problem, you may contact the Fire Marshal's Office at (860) 355-6099 or email

Q: Do I have to register my alarm?
Yes, New Milford requires that all fire alarms be registered. You may contact our office for the registration paperwork at (860) 355-6099 or you may click here to download the form. To view the fire alarm ordinance, click here.

Q: How do I find out information on knox boxes? (What is a knox box?)
A knox box is a secure, fire resistant box that is commonplace on commercial buildings and is used residentially also. The box contains the key to your place of business or home. In the event of an emergency situation, medical problem or automatic alarm, the fire department can use their knox box key to open your knox box, allowing them to retrieve your key and access the property. This prevents damage to doors, windows, etc. by avoiding the use of forcible entry. As all of New Milford's fire departments are volunteer, this also allows for more efficient emergency operations and for volunteers to return home in a timely manner without waiting hours for keyholders to arrive. Please visit the link below for information or call the fire marshal office. Visit for product information.

Information on knox boxes can also be obtained by calling or emailing the Fire Marshal office at (860) 355-6099 We maintain records of all properties with knox boxes so please let us know if you wish to install one on your business or home.

Q: How do I determine the distance to the nearest hydrant to my residence & the distance to the closest firehouse?
For hydrant information please contact Aquarion Water at (860) 354-4118. For fire department information please call Water Witch Hose Co. No. 2 at (860) 354-4023, Gaylordsville Fire Dept at (860) 354-6396 or Northville Fire Dept at (860) 354-8194. Please note that New Milford's fire departments are all volunteer, so allow time for the members to return your call.

Q: What is the ISO rating for New Milford?
ISO collects and evaluates information from communities in the United States on their structure fire suppression capabilities. The final ISO classification rating for the Town of New Milford is 03/3Y as of 2024.

Q: Does New Milford have a house numbering ordinance?
Yes, under the Code of the Town of New Milford Connecticut, 5-13(c) Identification numbers shall be conspicuously placed above, on or at the side of the proper door of each building so that the number can be seen plainly from the street line. Whenever a building is set back more than 15 feet from the edge of the roadway, the number shall be placed near the walk, driveway or common entrance to such building and upon a gate post fence, post or other appropriate place. When one driveway services more than one residence which are also 15 feet or more from the street line, the numbers for the residences shall be placed on one gate post, fence or other appropriate place so as to be discernible easily from the roadway and from the approaches on two sides; namely, the left and right. The cost of the numbers shall be paid for by the property owner. The numbers used shall not be less than three inches in height and shall be made of a durable and clearly visible material. (d) The numerals shall be affixed not less than mailbox height nor more than 12 feet from the surface of the ground directly below them. (e) Multi-building complex, multifamily or multi-business structures shall be identified as follows: (1) identify each individual structure by building number and designation (2) identify each individual unit by a separate numbered designation.

Q: Do I need a permit to remove an underground oil tank?
Yes. Permits can be obtained from the fire marshal's office through our online permitting software.

Q: Can I request a fire safety presentation?
Yes. Please call the fire marshal's office at (860) 355-6099 or email to schedule a fire safety presentation for your civic organization, school, etc.



  Q: How do I obtain a burning permit?
A permit can be obtained by submitting an application to the Fire Marshal's Office. The open burn application can be accessed through the town permitting portal. Permits cost $50 and are generally valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.

Q: What can I burn?
A burning permit allows you to burn twigs and branches up to three inches in diameter. Burning of construction debris, leaves, and logs is prohibited.

Q: Can I burn on a rainy day?
Generally, burning on a rainy day is not allowed because it does not allow the smoke to rise and dissipate into the air, causing a health hazard from the smoke.

Q: What do I have to do before I begin burning?
The Fire Marshal shall inspect the burn pile before issuing a permit. Upon issuing the permit you must call New Milford Dispatch at 860-355-3133. Permittees are responsible for checking the CT Fire Danger and Air Quality Index to ensure burning is allowed.  

Q: Is there a website that can tell me the fire danger for each day?
Yes, click on this link to see CT Daily Forest Fire Danger Report and the CT Air Quality Index.



Q: Are blasters required to have a permit from the Fire Marshal?
Yes, a permit to transport, use, and purchase explosives is required before any blasting is performed.

Q: Do I have the right to be notified of blasting operations in my neighborhood?
There is no regulation requiring persons to be notified that blasting is occurring in your neighborhood. Each blasting operation is unique. Blasters are required to conduct a pre blast survey within certain distances to adjoining property. This survey may or may not be required on homes in the area depending on the amount of blasting to take place.

Q: My house shook during a blasting operation nearby, what do I do?
Call the Fire Marshal Office if you have a concern about the blasting taking place. Most blasting operations do cause some seismic and air blast vibration. All blasting operations are monitored by the Fire Marshal and they do require pre blast surveys and seismic readings of nearby buildings to determine safe levels of ground and air movement.

Additional Links

Contact Information

10 Main Street New Milford, CT 06776
Office located on Second Floor of Town Hall

Phone: 860-355-6099
Fax: 860-355-4609

Office hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm